Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cartoon Analysis

  1. The issue that inspired the cartoon is why fish can't live in both the ocean and fresh water environments. It also could have been inspired by the way tourists are blatantly obvious.
  2. A real place that is being portrayed is the ocean but there are no real people.
  3. Labeling and irony are used in the cartoon by the usage of showing that the three fish on the left are obviously not from the ocean because they have fresh water tanks on their backs and the fish on the right are saying that they can obviously tell those fish are tourists. It's ironic because the fresh water fish look brighter and fancier so they stick out and even without the fresh water labeled tank it would still be noticeable that they are not from that area.
  4. The cartoonist's point of view that is portrayed in the cartoon is showing how people from other places go to visit somewhere they think is exciting while the people that live there are bored because it's their home.
  5. No, it's purely comical.
  6. The fish could have had a tour guide or some other type of person showing them around.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Elementary WebQuest

1. I think the best WebQuests are Ice Cream and Ancient Egypt. They are the most fun, engaging, and they integrate group work in a successful way.
2. The two worst are Where Is My Hero? and Grow School Greens. They are not very organized and they don't incorporate group work well, it's mostly individual and then compiling it later.
3. To me best means it is engaging and educational for the student and also is able to connect them together. Worst means it is poorly organized, difficult and/or boring. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Double Entry Journal #11

1. Quality teaching is the transformation of content
2. New technologies are tricky because they are opaque
3. Even though print and writing are great things, at some point there are aspects that are lost in the transition

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Double Entry Journal #10

"Success is based not only on what you know or how much you know, but on your ability to think and act creatively." (Resnick, 2007-08)

I selected this quote because I thought that what it said about success is very true. Too many people think that success is only based on smarts, but to truly be successful there needs to be a broader basis than just that.  Being able to act and think creatively is important because creativity is what can make someone unique, and that is very important. A lot of people pride themselves on how much they know, but if they don’t know how to apply that they aren't truly going to be successful. Educators need to show students that success is not based on only knowledge and the resources from the article are good examples of that.

I chose this wordle because it is a good representation of success and creativity. I especially liked that "success" and "creative" were the key components of the wordle. 

Massey, L. (Designer). (2008). Wordle. [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://creativeliberty.wordpress.com/2008/07/14/surf’s-up-creativity-links-for-july-14-2008/

Resnick, M. (2007-08, December/January). Sowing the seeds for a more creative society. Learning & Leading with Technology, 18-23. Retrieved from http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/Learning-Leading-final.pdf

Sunday, March 25, 2012

iPhone App Review

Stack the States Lite (Free) – This is a great game for students learning about the United States and wanting to find out fun facts about each state. The goal is to build a stack of states as high as possible and each time you get a high score you will unlock a new state and you want to try to fill up the map. Not only does the game help teach interesting information but it also helps children learn the location of each individual state. The graphics and details in the app are also very well done.
-This would be a fantastic app to use in a future classroom! It has the capability to have more than one player’s records saved so that they could save their progress and compete against each other. I would use it in my future classroom during a history class and I think that it could be extremely helpful during preparation for a test that would be given about our country. Not only is it educational but it’s fun too and that is extremely important. 

1st Grade Math Splash (Free) -This app is great for teaching place value and numbers and comparison. Those are the free sections but there are also sections you can buy to help with other skills. The app is interesting because it integrates a kid friendly underwater theme with easy to understand math skills. It also gives a score at the end of the section to let the player know how well they did. One helpful component is that the child’s parent can sign up to receive weekly updates on their child’s progress so they can keep track of how their reviews are going.
-I would use this app in my classroom for review purposes more than anything. I think that it is a great learning tool; I just wish that there were more sections that were already unlocked. The different skills that the app features would be very helpful during reviews in the classroom and I think that students would enjoy working on it together or by themselves. Not only could it help students reinforce what they've learned but it also could be a helpful visual tool for those who may be struggling with the content. I also would have the parents sign up for the progress report so not only could I see what they were doing when they reviewed in class, but also so the parents could be involved and see what their child’s strengths and weaknesses are.