Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cartoon Analysis

  1. The issue that inspired the cartoon is why fish can't live in both the ocean and fresh water environments. It also could have been inspired by the way tourists are blatantly obvious.
  2. A real place that is being portrayed is the ocean but there are no real people.
  3. Labeling and irony are used in the cartoon by the usage of showing that the three fish on the left are obviously not from the ocean because they have fresh water tanks on their backs and the fish on the right are saying that they can obviously tell those fish are tourists. It's ironic because the fresh water fish look brighter and fancier so they stick out and even without the fresh water labeled tank it would still be noticeable that they are not from that area.
  4. The cartoonist's point of view that is portrayed in the cartoon is showing how people from other places go to visit somewhere they think is exciting while the people that live there are bored because it's their home.
  5. No, it's purely comical.
  6. The fish could have had a tour guide or some other type of person showing them around.

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