Thursday, February 9, 2012

Double Blog Entry #4

“As with any art form, digital storytelling continues to evolve to accommodate new technologies, purposes, and creative visions. The important question for educators to ask is, “What does digital storytelling offer education?” (Ohler, 2005) 

I had never really thought about this before, but it proves a very good point. Students start out drawing or telling stories and then eventually they write down their own, more complex stories. With technology evolving the way it has, it makes sense for their stories to be told digitally and incorporate writing, art, and music. I also chose this quote because I think digital storytelling is a great way to integrate technology into creative writing. With that said, I don’t think there should be too many digital storytelling assignments. They can be so time consuming and lengthy I think that they should just be given sparingly.

I chose this photo because I thought it was a good representation of all of the skills that can help make a digital story more efficient. 

Ohler, J. (2005, December). The digital world of storytelling. Educational Leadership, 44-47. Retrieved from

Tolisano, S. (Artist). (n.d.). Retrieved from

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