Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gardens of Time

The Gardens of Time game reflects five of the ten things that students could learn through video games with interaction, production, the cycle of expertise,within the regime of competence, and exploring. It reflects interaction through being able to play with your friends and have "neighbors" that you can help out, visit, and who can in turn help you out. It reflects production because the way that you are able to gain coins or buy things for your garden is by advancing through the levels by completing the tasks. A major thing that the game shows is the cycle of expertise; the more you play the searching games the easier it is to find the objects from the list and the faster you are able to do it, which in turn gives you the rewards that you want. It also is within the regime of competence because while the goal is easy the task itself is also challenging. Finally, it reflects exploring by being able to go visit your neighbor's gardens, going to different lands to search for the hidden objects, and by getting to travel through time to do the tasks. Gardens of Time is a very good example of how students can learn skills through video games.

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